Methamphetamine Drug Offenses
Dedicated Fort Bend Drug Crime Attorney
No amount of methamphetamines found by police is a minor legal problem. As this drug is listed as a "Penalty Group 1" offense, a penalty could be imposed of 2 – 20 years in prison. Those who have a prior felony conviction of another 2nd degree felony can face up to 99 years in prison. This is such a serious legal matter that you must ensure you have quality legal representation from a drug crime lawyer in Fort Bend that has extensive trial experience and a track record of success. At my firm, The Law Office of John L. Venza Jr., I carefully manage every detail of my cases. I ensure that I take on a case load that allows me to focus fully on each case so I can provide my clients with the professional level of defense counsel that they must have when facing meth charges.
You may not be sure who to choose as your defense lawyer, and this is a confusing subject. There is certain information about the law firm that you can access that could help you come to the right decision. First, don't call upon a "rookie" trial lawyer – you don't need to be the test case for a new attorney just getting into the business. Second – what is the level of experience of the lawyer? I have extensive prosecution experience, having served as a District Attorney for the State of Texas for 5 years. I have spent years seeing exactly what goes on in the prosecutor's office, how they develop the cases, and what pitfalls they run into. I know the criminal justice process intimately – from both sides of the aisle. This can be a huge advantage for you with regard to your defense. I carefully strategize each and every defense case, and I recognize how important this will be to you and your future freedom. As our state is known for imposing heavy penalties, you just cannot take any chances if you are facing charges involving methamphetamines. Call my office before your case moves forward any further. Never appear in court without your attorney. Your bail amount, the level of the charges filed against you, and whether your case could be dismissed are all issues that must be looked into on an immediate basis.
The legislature is currently involved in a bill to increase penalties for small amounts of meth, making the minimum penalty 180 days. Those who are accused of being involved in the manufacture of the drug are in even more danger of a long term of incarceration, as the penalty that the court could impose could be as much as 15 years in prison, and a fine as high as $250,000. If it is alleged that children were in the house, you face the loss of custody. If firearms were found by law enforcement, or there were earlier convictions, life in prison is a real possibility. If it is alleged that the situation is related to organized crime, the penalties will also be enhanced.
Police Task Forces for Drug Crimes
There are specific units that have been established to identify and arrest any person engaged in the possession, manufacture or sale of methamphetamines. The DEA, a federal agency, is heavily involved in this activity as well. There are various police informants, sting operations, and other actions that are ongoing to find those who are involved in the distribution of this substance. You could have been in the wrong place at the wrong time and been caught in the net of law enforcement, and are now facing criminal charges with the potential of years in prison. What are your options? You owe it to yourself to find out whether law enforcement made errors, whether an informant's information could be challenged, and all other possible defense strategies. I am dedicated to finding the strategy that has a better chance of success for each of my clients. I have established my practice for the sole purpose of giving the criminally accused the level of defense counsel that they truly need in this state. Let me evaluate your situation and advise you of the possible strategies that could be effective in your case.
Call my firm and discuss your case with an experienced Ford Bend drug crime attorney.

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Get Your Case Dismissed
Developing the right strategy and using my connections in the legal community, I will do my best to get your case dismissed so you can move on with your life.